A map and travel goods including a camera and hiking boots

Booking Terms & Conditions

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Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully. They contain important information about your holiday booking.

Where The Wild Is specialises in experiences in Iceland, Finland, Sweden, Norway, the Faroe Islands and Scotland. Offering destinations where it is possible to experience incredible natural wonders and great wilderness areas, the team at Where The Wild Is are experts in taking people to witness Mother Nature’s greatest light shows and stand proud in their efforts to balance tourism with environmental protection.

Where The Wild Is
40 Berkeley Square

Email: [email protected]

Your contract is with Where The Wild Is Ltd of 40 Berkeley Square, Bristol, UK, BS8 1HP company registration number 11422924 and referred to as “we" or "us" in this contract. A binding contract is only entered into when we issue a confirmation invoice. By contacting us or your travel agent to make a booking you accept that you have the authority to bind all members of your party to these terms and conditions. It is essential that you check the travel details on the confirmation invoice and inform us immediately of any errors. Your booking is also subject to the conditions of carriage of your chosen airline.

When you make a booking you must pay a deposit. our deposit is considered part payment towards your holiday. The exact deposit required shall be made clear at the time of quotation/ booking. On occasion, full payment may be required to secure certain elements of your trip; if this does arise we shall inform you of this at the time of booking.

Deposits are non-refundable and as such are a security towards confirming your holiday. Normally the balance and final payment should be made no less than eight weeks prior to departure. However, on occasion, some components and/or destinations may require final payment no less than 90 days prior to departure, in which case you shall be informed of this at the time of booking. If any balance remains unpaid, travel documentation will not be issued and we reserve the right to treat your booking as cancelled and apply the cancellation charges set out below.

On receipt of the final balance, you will receive login details to our travel app where your full and detailed itinerary and any vouchers and tickets will be located. 

All monies you pay to the travel agent are held by them on behalf and for the benefit of the Trustees of the Air Travel Trust at all times. This is subject to the agent's obligation to pay it to us for so long as we do not fall. If we fall, any money held at that time by the agent, or subsequently accepted from you by him, is and continues to be held on behalf of and for the benefit of the Trustees of the Air Travel Trust without any obligation to pay that money to us.

Payment must be in the currency of the invoice and you are responsible for bank charges. in some cases, quotations will be based on instant purchase, limited availability non-refundable airfares and full payment of the total holiday cost must be made at the time of booking. Full details will be given at the time of enquiry.

As a condition of your Contract with us, it is mandatory to have adequate travel insurance effective from the date of booking. Your insurance should comprehensively cover all your personal needs, including, but not limited to, full Covid-19 coverage, personal belongings, any pre-existing medical conditions, cancellation charges, medical expenses, and repatriation costs in case of an accident or illness.

If requested, you should be able to provide us with your insurer's details, policy number, and emergency contact information to facilitate assistance in the event of an accident or emergency abroad. You must adhere to your policy's requirements in the event of a potential claim, such as reporting a theft to the local police. Ensure you read your policy details thoroughly and carry them with you during your trip. It is your responsibility to confirm that the insurance coverage you purchase is appropriate and sufficient for your specific needs. We do not verify alternative insurance policies.


If, after our confirmation invoice has been issued, you wish to change your travel arrangements in any way, for example, your chosen departure date or accommodation, we will do our utmost to help make these changes but it may not always be possible. Any request for changes to be made must be in writing from the person who made the booking or your travel agent. We do not charge administration fees if travel dates need to be changed for health or medical reasons. For other reasons, you will be asked to pay an administration charge of £20 per person plus any applicable charges levied by our suppliers. In some cases, we may not be able to find availability for new requested travel dates and the holiday may be moved to the following year. If this is the case, the overall price of the itinerary may increase due to the year-on-year price increases from suppliers.

You can transfer your booking to another person, who satisfies all the conditions that apply to the booking, by giving us notice in writing at least seven days before departure. Both you and the new traveller are responsible for paying all costs we incur in making the transfer. In some cases, flights cannot be changed after booking and the full cost of a new air ticket will be payable. We also reserve the right to treat any changes less than eight weeks before departure as a cancellation and apply the cancellation charges set out below.

You, or any member of your party, may cancel your travel arrangements at any time. All cancellations must be made in writing by the person who made the booking and are effective on the day we receive it. As we incur costs in cancelling your travel arrangements, we will apply the following cancellation charges based on payment/balance date of eight weeks prior to departure. For those bookings where additional amounts were paid in excess of the standard deposit at the time of booking or before the standard balance due date, these shall be considered non-refundable.

Period before departure in which you notify us of cancellation

More than 90 days* 
60-90 days
Deposit only**
59-50 days 60% of holiday cost
49 to 40 days 70% of holiday cost
39 to 30 days 75% of holiday cost
29 days or less 100%

*If you decide to cancel more than 90 days before departure, we can discuss the refund amount on a case-by-case basis. The amount we are able to refund will be dependent on deposits paid and what the individual supplier terms and conditions are. We will aim to work with customers to refund as much as we can.

**Bookings with some hotels during the peak season will have varying cancellation charges and therefore the fees shown above will not apply. The charges will be calculated and advised to you at the time of cancellation.

Agents or third-party organisations acting on our behalf are unable to amend or change the contract or terms and conditions within it.


It is occasionally necessary for us to make changes to advertised products and services and we reserve the right to make such changes. In exceptional circumstances we may have to modify your holiday after booking. If the change is minor, we will do our best to notify you or your travel agent in advance but are not obliged to do so and no compensation is payable. If the change is major (for example, a change of flight time by more than twelve hours, change of destination or to a lower standard of accommodation), we will notify you as soon as practically possible and offer you the choice of

(i) accepting the alternative arrangements

(ii) arranging an alternative holiday with us

(iii) cancelling your holiday.

If you choose to cancel the booking, we will pay you compensation unless the change has been caused by extraordinary and unavoidable circumstances or low bookings, as defined below.

Days before departure compensation per person
60 or more Nil
59-30 £30
29-15 £40
14-0 £50

Whilst we hope we will never have to cancel your holiday, this does very occasionally happen and we reserve the right to do so. Should it be necessary to cancel your holiday, we will endeavour to offer alternative travel arrangements of equivalent or similar standard, together with a price refund if appropriate. Alternatively we will provide a full and prompt refund. In some cases we will also pay compensation (see above).

If we are unable to provide a significant proportion of your holiday whilst you are away, suitable alternative arrangements will be made for you at no extra cost or, if we are unable to do so, you will be returned to your point of departure and given a pro-rata refund for any part of the holiday not received. In some cases we will also pay compensation (see above). This does not apply to minor changes in your accommodation, itinerary or transportation.

We can change the price of your holiday after you have booked, only in certain circumstances.

  • Changes in the price of the carriage of passengers resulting from charges to the cost of fuel or other power sources.
  • The level of taxes or fees imposed by third parties including tourist taxes, landing taxes or embarkation or disembarkation fees at ports and airports.
  • Exchange rates may mean that the price of your travel arrangements may change after you have booked. However, there will be no change within 20 days of your departure.

We will absorb, and you will not be charged for, any increase equivalent to 2% of the price of your travel arrangements, which excludes insurance premiums and any amendment charge. You will be charged for the amount over and above that. If this results in an increase equivalent to more than 8% of the price of your travel arrangements you will have the option of accepting a change to another holiday if we are unable to offer one we will refund any price difference if the alternative is of a lower value, or cancelling and receiving a full refund of all monies paid, except for any amendment charge. Should you decide to cancel you must do so within the time period shown on your final invoice. We will provide a full refund of insurance premiums paid if you can show that you are unable to transfer or reuse your policy.

Should the price of your holiday go down due to the cost changes mentioned above, then any refund due will be paid to you. We will deduct from this refund our administrative expenses incurred. Please note that travel arrangements are not always purchased in local currency and some apparent changes have no impact on the price of your travel due to contractual and other protection in place.

It is a term of your booking that we are able to make changes to any aspect of your booking. If the change is significant, we will ensure that you are notified about it. Examples of insignificant changes include alteration of your outward/return flights by less than 12 hours, changes to aircraft type, changes of accommodation to another of the same or higher standard, changes of carriers.

If we are constrained by circumstances beyond our control to alter significantly any of the main characteristics of the travel service that make up your package you will have the right set out below.

  • We will contact you and you will have the choice of accepting the change or having a refund of all monies paid. You can also accept an alternative holiday, where we offer one (we will refund any price difference if the alternative is of a lower value). We will tell you the procedure for making your choice. Please read any notification of any changes carefully and respond promptly as if you do not respond to us within the timescale given your booking may be cancelled.

If you choose to accept a refund

  • We will provide a full refund of your travel insurance premiums if you paid them to us and can show that you are unable to transfer or reuse your policy.
  • We will pay compensation except where significant change is due to unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances, which means a situation beyond our control, the consequences of which could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken.

Compensation will not be payable in any cases where an amendment, change or cancellation is due to unusual or unforeseeable events or circumstances beyond our control, the consequences of which neither we nor our suppliers could avoid. These include, but are not limited to, war, threat of war, riot, civil disturbance or strife, terrorist activity (actual or threatened), industrial disputes, unavoidable technical problems with transport, machinery or equipment, power failure, natural or nuclear disaster, fire, flood, drought, adverse weather conditions, levels of water in rivers, acts of God, closure of airports, changes of schedules or operational decisions of transport providers.

You must inform us without undue delay of any failure to perform or improper performance of the travel services included in this package. If any of the travel services included in your package are not performed in accordance with the contract, or are improperly formed, by us or the travel service suppliers, and this has affected the enjoyment of your travel arrangements, you may be entitled to an appropriate price reduction or compensation or both.

We will not be liable where any failure to perform or improper performance of the travel services is due to you or another member of your party, or a third party unconnected with the provision of the travel services in the package and is unforeseeable or avoidable; or unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances, which means a situation beyond our control, the consequence of which could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken.

We will pay reasonable compensation if the product supplied to you is not of the standard described or contracted for by you. This compensation will be limited (except in the case of death, injury or illness) to no more than twice the holiday price of the person affected. Our liability will also be limited in accordance with and/or in an identical manner to the following:

A) The contractual terms of the companies that provide the travel services that make up your package. These terms are incorporated into this booking.

B) Any relevant international convention, for example the Montreal Convention in respect of travel by air, the Athens Convention in respect of travel by seas, the Berne convention in respect of travel by rail and the Paris Convention in respect of the provision of accommodation, which limit the amount of and conditions under which compensation can be claimed for death, injury, delay to passengers and loss, damage and delay to luggage. We are regarded as having all benefit of any limitation of the extent of or the conditions under which compensation is to be paid under these or any convention.

Should you suffer injury, illness or death as a result of the proven fault of ourselves, our suppliers or their employees acting in the course of their employment, we will offer you compensation as would be paid in an English Court. If the incident relating to you or any member of your party being killed, injured or becoming ill during or as a result of, carriage by aircraft, ship, train or coach as part of the holiday arrangements organised by us, our liability to pay compensation is limited in accordance with the liability of the carrier/service provider under any international convention which governs such services.

You can ask for copies of the international conventions from our office. We promise to respond to your request within 40 days at receiving your written request and fee. In certain limited circumstances we are entitled to refuse your request.

If you have a complaint about of the services included in your holiday, you must inform us, our ground agents or the supplier (i.e. the hotel) as possible to give us the maximum opportunity to rectify it.

If your complaint is not resolved locally, please follow this up within 28 days of your return home by writing to our Customer Services Department giving your booking reference and all other relevant information. Please do make every effort to communicate any complaint to the supplier of the services locally. If you fail to follow this procedure, we will have been deprived of the opportunity to investigate and rectify your complaint whilst you are in the destination and this may affect your rights under this booking.

If you are in difficulty whilst on holiday and ask us to help, we will provide appropriate assistance, in particular by providing information on health services, local authorities and consular assistance; and helping you to find alternative arrangements and any necessary phone calls/emails. You must pay any costs we incur, if the difficulty is your fault.

Most countries require passports to be valid for at least 6 months after your return date. If your passport is in its final year, you should check with the Embassy of the country you are visiting. For more information contact the Passport Office on 0870 5210410.

Up to date travel advice can be obtained from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, visit www.fco.gov.uk. Non British passport holders, including other EU nationals, should obtain up to date advice on passport and visa requirements from the Embassy, High Commission or Consulate of your destination or country/countries through which you are travelling.

Your specific passport and visa requirements, and other immigration requirements are your responsibility and you should confirm these with other relevant Embassies and/or Consulates. We do not accept any responsibility if you cannot travel because you have not complied with any passport, visa or immigration requirements.

Excursions or other tours that you may choose to book or pay for whilst you are on holiday are not part of your package holiday provided by us. For any excursion or other tour that you book, your contract will be with the operator of the excursion or tour ad not with us. We are not responsible for the provision of the excursion or tour or for anything that happens during the course of its provision by the operator.

We make every effort to ensure that the information on our website is as accurate as possible. Where the Wild Is takes responsibility for information contained on our own website and social media channels. We are specifically not responsible for third party information (from tourist boards and hotels, for example) contained in any other communication in print or online.

This booking is governed by English Law, and the jurisdiction of the English Courts. You may however choose the jurisdiction of Scotland or Northern Ireland if you live there and wish to do so.

Registered in England. Where The Wild Is Ltd.

All rights reserved.

Date of issue 31 October 2018. 

Updated 31 August 2020.